Thursday, June 9, 2011

Making a Podcast

If you choose to make an Audio Podcast for Assignment Two, this tutorial will prove rather helpful. We will go over all this during the day.

1. Open Finder > Applications > GarageBand.

2. Select New Project > Podcast

Be intimidated. Then get over it.

3. Name your project something descriptive and save it to a place you will remember.

Okay, so this isn't very descriptive. But you get the idea.

4. You can import files from your voice recorder by opening Finder > Audio Recorder (all will have different names) > file_you_want.mp3. 

I am dragging the file from the little front window to the big back window.

5. Drag the .mp3 file onto Garageband's Timeline.

It will take a moment for the gremlins to convert the file in GarageBand.

6. You can edit the interview .mp3 by clicking the little scissor button in the bottom left:

Click me! I am blue and fun!

7. Let's add some Narration. You want to bridge gaps in the soundbites you've cut from the .mp3 interview. You can do this directly in-computer as long as you have a built-in microphone. 

Like this!

If it doesn't work, it is because you aren't selected on the correct "Track." You must select Male Voice or Female Voice

The blue means it is selected.

See the little red record button at the bottom? You're doing it!

8. Set a mood by adding Music. You can use songs that you already know and love, or you can use pre-recorded songs in GarageBand. 

Using Music:
To use your favorite song, you'll have to first Import the song to iTunes (This is done completely independently of GarageBand). Once the song is in iTunes, click the little button in the bottom right:

Far right button takes you to your iTunes playlist.

See, there's your impeccable taste in music right there.

Using a Pre-Recorded GarageBand Loop:
Sometimes you don't want music with lyrics because it is distracting. Instead, you could use a number of mood-creating songs that Apple made just for you!

Right next to the little button we just looked at is an eye-ball looking button:

It's like that creepy eyeball on money. The Stone-Masons own Apple, Apple owns the government, and the government owns us. My god, we're doomed.

Clicking that eyeball will open a world of "Jingles," "Stingers," and "Sound Effects." When you find one you like, simply drag it over to the Timeline under the voice tracks.

Making Your Own Music:
If you want to go nuts, you can click that middle button: The I:

No funny caption available.

What this does is gives you the ability to make your own music from the ground up. We aren't even going to begin showing you how to do this in this tutorial. And we aren't sorry.

9. When you are done with your masterpiece, you need to Share it with the world. So click the Share button up top. Share > Export Podcast to Disk > Name it > Save.

Export it to Disk, which means putting it on the hard drive.
Name it. Save it to a place you will remember.
It will do crazy things like create a "mixdown."

10. It is time to move it from the safety of your own computer to the big scary world known as... The Internet.

To do this, you'll have to put it in another program called iMovie. This way, you can add some cool images and post it to, or (depending on what your school district hasn't blocked yet).

So, find the podcast file. The file should be in the place where you saved it. But you don't remember where you saved it, do you? We told you to pay attention to that like six times.... sigh.

Don't worry, you can search for it by name in Finder.

Oh! There it is!

You will now open iMovie by going to Finder Applications > iMovie. Simply drag the audio file (should be a .m4v or a .mp3 NOT the GarageBand file) into the top left corner of iMovie. Like so:

This should be familiar. Drag from the little to the big windows.

Drop a picture in that same spot using the exact same method. iMovie will automatically make a cool little slideshow of the podcast and the picture. Feel free to get fancy with it if you want. Otherwise....

Share it one last time!

Do it like this.
Make sure to save it with a descriptive name and to a place you will remember.

Now, upload your video podcast to the video host of your choice.

It's almost too easy!

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